Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ethnography Results, Week 6

Last week I spent in Washington DC, so I wasn't able to join up with our regular D&D groups. I don't think they were meeting anyways, due to so many people being out of town. Since I couldn't observe any groups, I researched a few simple "pick up and play" games that our D&D group might be able to play as a final observation in the class.

One I found interesting in particular is game called Gamma World. Gamma World, unlike most tabletop games, takes place in a post apocalyptic world ravaged by a nuclear holocaust. Mutants roam the countryside, and people have to fight just to survive. The game's rules are a riff on the standard D&D 4th Edition rules, so people who know that system can play Gamma World without having to lean too much. The game is designed to be light hearten, and have a relaxed atmosphere. It costs $50 for enough materials to play a complete campaign, so it seems like it would be a good choice for us to play if we wanted to do something simple and fun before this project finishes.

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