Monday, April 4, 2011

Final Project Proposal

For our final, we decided to design something which would be helpful for the tabletop role playing gamers that we have been studying for our ethnography project. Tabletop gaming is a field which generally does not use much technology, and has traditionally pushed back against things such as electronics character builders or electronic books. Instead of designing a redundant piece of software, we're going to design an "electronic dice" for them. The dice we're designing will rely on an Arduino microcontroller, will provide feedback via and LCD screen, and take input through simple pushbuttons. We hope that our electronic dice will be able to provide a player or game master with real time statistics they normally do not have access to during a game. Using the experience we've gained from out ethnography, we hope to take into account factors which an outsider to tabletop gaming may not take into account.

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