Monday, January 24, 2011

Ethnography Ideas

Title: Ethnography Ideas

Comments: Cindy Skach, Jeremy Nelissen.

Here are a few ideas I've got for the upcoming Ethnography project in CSCE 436. 

  1. Study and observe people playing tabletop games such as Dungeons and Dragons. I personally do not do any tabletop gaming, but I know enough people where I'd have easy access to a game.
  2. Observe the habits of people in coffee shops. Do they come alone or go with a friend, do they do school work or simply relax? Etc.
  3. Observe the food choices made by students on campus.


  1. I like all these ideas. They all sound fairly easy, which would make for a lot of data. I would be especially interested in hearing about your findings for your first idea.

  2. I like your coffee shop idea. An extension to it could be to attempt to observe (for the ones who do come to study) their productivity (based upon your perception of it) by how often you view them doing things counter to studying such as facebook or blogging.

  3. These ideas seem particularly suited to ethnographic study. Pick one and convince others to join in!
