Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Book Reading #1: The Design of Everyday Things Microblog

Book Reading #1:
Title: The Design Of Everyday Things
Reference Information: Norman, Donald A. The Design of Everyday Things.

Summary: In the opening chapter of The Design of Everyday Things, Donald Norman establishes just how important the design of objects plays in our lives. He spends the majority of this chapter talking about the Principals of Design for Understandability and Usability (Provide a concept model, and make things visible), along with the paradox of technology. To sum up his argument in a nutshell: Advanced technology breeds complexity, so it's not your fault when you cannot figure out how to use something, it's the designer's fault.

Discussion: Norman's opening immediately capture's the reader's attention. His ability to simplify complex theories into simple examples such as a door, or a slide reel advance button, greatly help to convey his points. If the first chapter in this book had any faults, it would be that it focuses too much on his dislike for complex phone systems.

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