Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Book Reading #2: Coming of Age in Samoa

Book Reading #2 
Title: Coming of Age in Samoa
Reference Information: Mead, Margaret. Coming of Age in Samoa.

Summary: In the introductory chapter if Coming Of Age in Samoa, the author gives the traditional viewpoint of several different groups views on the period of Adolescence. The Experimentalist traditionally have had little to no data to work off of, which leaves theorists to make assumptions with are based upon random assumptions, instead of known trends of generalities. Finally, the author builds up a case for why the Anthropological viewpoint is the proper one to study human cultures. Since we cannot create any sort of "control group" with humans, we must rely on observational sciences.

Discussion: The introduction of Coming of Age in Samoa was a very interesting read. It's language and sentence structure shows off the age of the work, as well as it referring to several now well established anthropological fields as young or emerging. Despite all this however, the book sets out a very good argument for why it's approach was the proper one to take while attempting to study adolescence.

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